FREE professional learning for Maine educators this summer - earn up to 48 recert hours!
Educators can except to learn the fundamentals of the many facets of computer science: Augmented Reality, Networking, Web Design, Cybersecurity, Programming and more. Courses are aligned with CSTA standards and educators are eligible to earn up to 12 badges from Thomas College.
Prior experience with computer science or computational thinking curricula (STEM, science, engineering, robotics, etc) is suggested, but not required. What is required is a willingness to learn and try something new!
Link not working? Copy and paste this url into your browser: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeD24XsQI7OSHJXEV9-IO36NTx8e0SGGbcyf0X5hBxpGatTlw/viewform