CSTA New England 2021

This year's theme is INNOVATION, as seen on Maine DOE's news!
Greetings from the CSTANE 2021 (Computer Science Teacher Association New England regional conference) proposals committee.
We are excited to announce our upcoming CSTA New England Regional Conference on Saturday, October 16th. With COVID-19 taking its sweet time moving along, we are planning for a 100% virtual conference using the Hopin Platform. We have learned a lot about virtual conferences over the last 18 months and are confident this will be an engaging, fun, and educational opportunity for all of our presenters and participants. In addition to invited keynote presentations and state CS panel, we anticipate exhibitors and a full slate of innovative and stimulating presentations.
This year’s theme is Innovation. Attendees will be exposed to innovations in the ever-expanding field of computer science and its impacts on education, industry, and the world. Participants will have the opportunity to interact with experts in the field, and discuss concerns, ask questions and share their own innovative ideas.
Should you have any questions, please contact CSTA Maine Leadership by clicking this text.