CSTA New England 2021
October 16, 2021
9:30am to 10:00am: Networking
10:00am to 10:30am: Welcome and Morning Keynote
10:40am to 11:25am: Breakout Sessions 1
11:35am to 12:20: Breakout Sessions 2
12:20pm to 12:50pm: Networking/Lunch
12:50pm to 1:05pm: Afternoon Keynote
1:15pm to 2:00 pm: Breakout Sessions 3
2:10pm to 2:55 pm: Breakout Sessions 4
3pm to 3:30pm: Closing Remarks/Fabulous Prizes
10:40am to 11:25am: Breakout Sessions 1
11:35am to 12:20: Breakout Sessions 2
12:20pm to 12:50pm: Networking/Lunch
12:50pm to 1:05pm: Afternoon Keynote
1:15pm to 2:00 pm: Breakout Sessions 3
2:10pm to 2:55 pm: Breakout Sessions 4
3pm to 3:30pm: Closing Remarks/Fabulous Prizes
3:30pm to 4:00pm: Last Chance Networking
Ticket Prices
Early Bird Registration available until 10/7/2021
- $35 for CSTA Members
- $50 for Non CSTA Members
Regular Registration:
- $45 for CSTA Members
- $60 for Non CSTA Members
Morning Keynote: Dan Ryder - Computational Thinking in the Service of Community Problem Solving
Dan Ryder is a veteran classroom educator and learning facilitator at CRCS Overman, a grades 7-12 project-based, student-centered public charter school in downtown Skowhegan, Maine. He formerly served as Co-Founder and Education Director of the SUCCESS & INNOVATION CENTER at MT BLUE CAMPUS, an empathy-fueled makerspace + mentoring space for all students and faculty In addition to his daily classroom practice, he serves as a design, development and delivery consultant for the US Department of State's Office of English Language Programs and co-authored INTENTION: Critical Creativity in the Classroom with his good friend, Amy Burvall.
Afternoon Keynote: Pender Makin, Education Commissioner - Computer Science in Maine